datestampTuesday, November 23, 2010


A couple of weeks ago I decided it was time to start adding some other veggies to my diet (don't worry I'm still drinking my 4 quarts of green drink), actually it was Andy's idea. That was Andy's first question for me after we saw my Oncologist; "When are you going to start eating?" Lol!
I decided the first veggie would be broccoli because I used to dream about eating it! I know that sounds crazy, but when you're eating the same thing everyday things start sounding really good! So, I steamed it for 3 minutes, drizzled olive oil on it, added real salt, and pepper, took a bite was AMAZING! So delicious, and sweet! I was surprised that the flavor was so mild and tasted like heaven! I couldn't get enough of it! I of course took it slow because I wasn't sure how my body was going to react to eating it. I responded fine...a little gassy (sorry Andy). I never knew how flavorful broccoli was. I. Love. It. SO happy to be eating again. I also tried cabbage, red pepper, romaine lettuce, green beans, celery, zucchini, snap peas, and they were all SO good! I think I'll try Kale next...who knows, it might be just as sweet and tantalizing as Broccoli!

datestampWednesday, November 10, 2010

Good News!

On October 27, 2010 we met with my oncologist up at the Huntsman. I had gotten my CT scan on Monday and we were going into see him for the results. I was quite calm the entire weekend leading up to the tests, until the day we were to receive the news. We were both quite nervous and excited. It had been a rough three months with a lot of ups and downs.
We sat down and grace the Physician Assistant told us that there was one tumor in my abdominal area that had grown 2mlm in 6 months (which is amazing considering back in February to May most of them had grown 2-3mlm in 3 months). She then said that a couple of them had shrunk a bit and that all of the others were stable (they hadn't grown in 6 months). She then said they didn't feel like we needed to do chemotherapy at this time and that I didn't need to come in for another check up for 4 months instead of 3! She did an exam and I told her that I knew I was going to get better from this and that I was going to beat it...she replied saying that I wasn't going to, but that she would like me to keep proving her wrong like I have been! I told her I planned on it! She said to keep eating healthy, exercise and to keep proving her wrong! At the end of my consultation my oncologist Dr. Gauw said to us while shaking his head "I don't know what it is you are doing, but whatever it is keep doing it because it's working"! That to me was a payday, and it's made it all worth it!
While walking away from our consultation I was overcome with joy and peace. We have been working so hard everyday for this. Yes it has been a difficult yet rewarding journey, and yes I know we still have a ways to go...but we are on the right path. I know it. I feel it. I live it. Thank you to everyone for your love, support, prayers, faith and's seriously helped us more then you will ever know.