datestampTuesday, July 30, 2019


Gosh, sometimes life is HARD. I mean, really HARD. Sometimes life is out of our hands and the things that happen we have no power over...and it can bring us overwhelming heartache, and you just wonder how much you can bare...but you wake up every day and get up, even tho you might not want too, get dressed and go thru the motions, even tho your heart is breaking. You put on a smile and a happy face and just push thru, and you keep going...because that's what you have chosen to do-keep going. Even when life brings you to your knees and you talk till you're out of breathe and can't talk anymore and just hope God knows your heart and can make sense of what you're trying to make sense of yourself. You just keep hoping and just keep going, because you have chosen too, and maybe that's all you can do, and that's all that makes sense to do. Because you've been a fighter all your life, it's ingrained in you, you were taught to not give up, you were taught to pick yourself up, you were taught to keep going and you will keep going-even when it's hard...because that's what you have chosen to do, and no matter what-the light will come.

datestampFriday, January 18, 2019


Sadness seeps in the light of my heart. Covers my eyes to hope. Leaving me gasping for air and thrashing...empty and alone. I hear a cry, it's my own heart pleading, pushing, standing, breathing, alive...even amidst the turmoil, questions, heartache. It beats for me, for hope, for love. It beats, and I remember for a moment that I am strong, even tho broken, I'm strong. I remember and the light wakes me up to wakes me up. The sadness fades, the light shines, and my heart beats. I'm alive.