datestampSaturday, January 11, 2014


Sometimes it just hits me...moments where I remember how far I've come.  Quite a few years ago, when I was really struggling, and oh so sick from the chemo. My sweet brothers and sisters came to our home with a warm meal, smiling faces, encouraging words. They set up the tables and chairs. Warmth and voices filled our home. Light. It was time to eat and they came to my bed...lifted me up and carried me. I shed many tears and cried out in pain.  "I cannot do this!"  "I am so tired." My sweet sisters said: "Yes, you can do this.  We love are strong."  For a moment time stood still. I remember looking around; there was so much love surrounding Everything was okay in that moment. Peace swept my soul. Love engulfed me. Hope filled my heart. Doubt and fear left. I was still.
I wept when this memory came to my mind. Wept. Some memories are hard to relive, but necessary to remember. I am grateful for these moments to remind me of how blessed I am. What a gift my sweet family gave me that day. I am so grateful they believed in me, and continue do so. From the bottom of my heart and soul. I love you. I love you. I love you.