A week after we heard the news from my PET scan I started a new diet. I jumped in full force and have hardly looked back...well to be honest the first few weeks I dreamed of doughnuts a lot! The diet is called an Alkaline diet. I have known about this type of diet for years but never had the desire to do it...here is why: I can only eat land and ocean vegetables, almonds, unrefined oils, quinoa, millett, amaranth, and most seeds and herbs. Which has been very difficult some days, but worth it. I've been completely off of Dairy, Meats, Grains and Sugar for 31 days. Looking back on this month I am amazed and relieved that I've been able to do it. Since starting I've learned a lot of different ways to cook vegetables and they taste good! Which has been exciting for me because I love food and finding new recipes.
I'm planning on doing this phase of the diet for 3 months, and we will see where I am at that time and how I'm feeling. I have felt very strongly that I needed to change what I was putting into my body. I've asked Heavenly Father to heal my body, and in doing so I feel a great responsibility with how I am taking care of myself, and what I am eating. My Dad always taught me that "God helps those who help themselves." I know that this is true.
Well that is just remarkable...
I don't think that I could live for a week without sugar or soda.
Keep it up.
i'm a dork, what aren't land or ocean vegetables?
You are one amazing chicka, and I love you to peices. I really enjoyed your veggies the other night also. Seriously....they were so good.
That picture made my day!
This picture needs to be entered into a cute baby contest. Sarah, you are so strong, and a wonderful example. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers.
I would love more info about this diet, I feel like I need to do better, you are in inspiration. BTW I am coming via Jonathan Canlas' blog and I am also acquaintances with Alison Lowe via adoption! What a small world. Praying for you with all of my heart! xoxo
Thanks for the comment about "God helps those who help themselves". I needed that today.
I hope you know we think about you and pray for you.
Willy, I should have been more specific. I can eat most land and sea veggies. Only the ones that are Alkaline. Like sweet potatoes are to high in sugar and so I can't eat those, but red skin potatoes are alkaline so those I can eat. Does that make more sense?
Kim, thank you so much for your prayers, and thank you to all of you! The diet I'm following is The Body Ecology Diet, by Donna Gates. It's really quite fascinating you should look into it.
Hi Sarah, I'm new here, I linked from Natalie Norton's blog. My aunt has breast cancer and she has been on the alkaline diet for about 2 years. It's not completely gone, but it's going, and has been shrinking since she started the diet. I don't want to give you false hope, because it's a different cancer and I know nothing about it, but I know it's keeping her alive. Best of luck, I will pray for you as well.
Please look into the benefits of taking fresh wheatgrass daily. it is AMAZING and has helped so many people with cancers....
prayers and good energy,
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