datestampThursday, March 29, 2018

The Ride

Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into my parents. I guess it's that I'm getting older, and realizing what I used to think was important way back when, is really not as important as I once thought. At times I've found myself saying things that my parents used to say to us as kids, and I'm like: What the hell? But, I end up saying it anyways...then laugh to myself. It's not that my parents were bad parents or anything...but some of the things they said to us drove me crazy! For instance: "Use your head for more then a hat rack." or, "Don't wear your emotions on your sleeve."  Or, "Money doesn't grow on trees!" Or, "I hope you have a kid like you someday!" Which, actually has come true! Karma has come back around, in a full circle. It's days like today that I'm really grateful for my parents. One, that they didn't give up on any of us kids. Two, that they taught us we could and can do hard things. Three, that even tho we aren't perfect, we all get along pretty well, and it's so nice to know we have each other. I recognize that I'm pretty blessed. Not only with parents who love me, but with brothers and sisters, and sister in laws, brother in Family means more to me then the stars in the sky. It's nice knowing none of us are perfect. It's nice knowing we can lean on one another. It's nice knowing we turned out pretty good, even tho I'm not sure our parents thought we would when we were younger. It's nice knowing I can trust someone. It's nice knowing I can ask for help and one of them would be there. I'ts nice to have each other. The good, the bad, the ugly, the hard, and the good again. The ride has been worth it, and I'm ok with turning into my parents, especially knowing we all have each other. It's been a hell of a ride, and I'm glad it's not over.


Unknown said...

I Love You, and your perspective! Keep moving forward, there are worse things than turning into our parents!

Mumsy Thomas said...

love you. i am the opposite i am glad i learned not to be my mother and i can be better. i understand why she did i what she did and i think i am past the hurt and can be a better person.

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